What If We Could Communicate Through Scent?

“The chemical messages came to her faintly, much-diluted and far away, like whispers on the breeze. She submerged her whole foot in the water and began to walk, dampening the nerve signals that screamed cold! as the waves lapped at her thighs.” One of the key plot points of my work in progress is that … Continue reading What If We Could Communicate Through Scent?

Catch That Zeppelin! by Fritz Leiber

To start off this promising New Year of 2016, I submit for your consideration what we will call a shining vision of a better future. Fritz Leiber’s “Catch that Zeppelin!” is not in fact a shining vision of the future – but rather a shining vision of a better past. Written as the endearingly self-depricating … Continue reading Catch That Zeppelin! by Fritz Leiber